Dee's garden at 721 Algregg St.: "This garden will show many new plantings in the front since it became a sun garden
after losing 2 huge pecan trees from Hurricane Beryl. What a loss and they are truly missed.
The side yard is 2,500 sq.ft. where you will find more shade from several large crepe myrtles. There are 4 fountains,
3 bird baths, several raised veggie beds growing carrots, green beans and sweet peas. You will also see a blueberry bush
and newly planted raspberry bushes. You will find crown of thorns, desert roses, plumerias, daylilies, echinacea, roses,
several colors of Rose of Sharon, iris, amaryllis and a cacti and succulent collection.
In the back you will find a green house built in January 2018 to help protect many tender plant collections from those
dreaded freezes. The garden is full of butterflies and birds and it is not uncommon to find a screech owl at night looking for a snack."
Carolyn's garden at 718 Algregg St.:"You will find a fairly new site for a garden and I've been here since Y2K, lol!!! I planted
my first garden beds in 2018. A few things in the front are a fabulously pink Mimosa, sharing space with a yellow Julia Child
Rose and a bank of pink drift roses, a zebra grass and a favorite of mine, a Giant Rubeckia. I am an artist by trade so my
front steps are painted with sunflowers (also jumped around my house on a ladder and painted it yellow in 2022)- I think I
love yellow, LOL!
Lately I have developed a love for roses and once Julia Child took off in the front, I have 5 more varieties in the back with the crown
jewel - a hurricane fence supporting a very robust and very lengthy Peggy Martin Rose…so pink, it'll make ya wink! It runs down the
entire east side of my place…Also in my sight are young Althea trees, so many that I fondly refer to my backyard as an Althea Forest
with a fountain or 2 and a mural to compliment my presentation, I think you will enjoy my self-landscaping job and recognize an artistic
layout. Looking forward to sharing my "atmosphere" with you!!"